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"We blow long and we blow hard!" - Chris, advertising his skills.

"Its not every day I get a ding dong shoved in my face." - Jessie looking on the bright side.

"Not too shady." - LC's Mr. Wierzal describing something. (I can't remember what)

"Do you have a brain in your head?!" - Katie questioning the intelligence of LC students.

"Boys are dumb, then they grow up to be guys. Guys are jerks. And when they become men, they're just tall, dumb jerks. " - Kristen's insightful description of the male species.

"Who lost their green beans?" - Jackie G. looking for the owner of a lost Spanish vocab card.

"That was beyond shady, that's darkness." - Brian S. on a big HW assignment from Mr. Hansen.

"ˇYo he visto la luz!" - Jessie on seeing the light en español.

"He looks constipated." - Jessie's opinion of George W. Bush.

"There are some things the stupid people have to do, so let me do it." - Kristen on the way of the world.

"You gotta watch out for those Nsync boys, they get rowdy." - Jessie, on Nsync (hehehe, how fun would that be...)

"Put her there and we'll see how tough those bad asses really are." - Amy on putting Pink alone on a planet with Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit.

"Chocolate and jellified sugar - the lunch of champions!" -Jessie complementing Kristen's choice of lunch foods.

"Grandpa got a blow job from a reindeer..." -Brandon describing the actions of the reindeer on Amy's shirt.

"Canadian Spaniards." -Kristen and Jessie on why it says "eh" in their Spanish homework.

"It's chocolate, white chocolate. -Like Eminem!" Jessie and Kim describing Jessie's lip gloss flavor.

"Look Jessie, its your man whore! -Who? -Your man whore. -Who? -Demetrius! -Oh..." -Kristen informing Jessie that she has a man whore.

"That's what I do. It's not really wrong, just strange." -Kristen on the way she is.

"They grow that way." -Pat O. telling Jessie and Kristen how they get the lead in the pencil.

"Why you gettin all up in my Kool-Aid when you don't even know my flavor?" -Jenna M. on people getting up in her Kool-Aid.

" They call me baby... crack baby." - Kim, imitating and making fun of Kristen and her crack use. (FYI: Kristen does not use crack. It's an inside joke among friends.)

"We could put them in the Freshman Center pit for hand to hand combat with Mrs. Johnson." -Tom's suggestion on what should be done with students who test positive for drug use.

"You're fetto- false ghetto." -Kim on the way Jessie is.

" Let's have condensed milk and turkey gravy, on toast!" -Jessie's suggestion on what she and Amy should have for lunch as they rummaged through Amy's pantry.

"I'm the Mexican come to America to teach English." -Maestra Martinmaki on our Spanish class' poor English.

"Left to right, top to bottom, its in English." - Mr. Powers' answer to someone's question on what the upcoming psych quiz was like.

"Did the KKK offer you a drink at a party that had drugs in it and then jump you with a red Neon that they were driving, even though you're a member?" - Kim, questioning Keith about his weekend activities. (This is another one chock full of inside jokes. Keith is not in the KKK)

"Just because boys can pee standing up doesn't mean they can pee on us!" -Keri's women's rights statement.

"I just got hit by a mushroom." -Jessie's mom, after being severely assaulted by a mushroom that had been flung through the air.


Email Jessie and tell her how funny she is (or how stupid if you so desire)

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